The Problem: Korey Fields is dead. It is some time in the future, months after Enchanted first met Korey, and now he is dead. There is what looks like beat juice all over the room they are in, and she cannot remember a thing. But now there is an urgent banging on the door of Korey's house - the cops wanting to get in - and Enchanted only has moments to think, to even understand where she is and why. Since she met Korey, she has fallen deeply in love (at least she is sure she has), and since then been taken prisoner by the man who promised her stardom. When he was not watching her every move, he kept her locked up in a room with very little to eat, and only a bucket for a bathroom. Authorities did not want to believe all of the allegations of abuse that she and her family threw at Korey. They certainly are not going to believe that she is not the one who killed him.
Genre, Themes, History: This is a young adult fiction novel that enters murder mystery territory from the first page. The first thing the reader learns is that Korey Fields is dead, and Enchanted is in the room. From there, the history of there relationship is laid out, starting from when he first spotted her at an audition and proceeded to ruthlessly pursue her. Despite the obvious age difference, Enchanted is enthralled by Korey, almost hypnotized by his fame and his attention on her, and things accelerate quickly. But his dark side soon emerges, and using fear and manipulation, Enchanted becomes his prisoner. During her talk at LibraryPalooza, Jackson acknowledged that there are elements of the story that will remind us of the allegations against R. Kelly. However, the book is about abuse of power, and the adults who know the difference between right and wrong. It is also about the reluctance to believe women when they ultimately come forward, and the corporations that benefit when they are silenced.
My Verdict: This is an intense and powerful book. Enchanted's story may be one of fiction, but it is not outside of reality. Anyone who pays even then smallest amount of attention to the news today will find stories like this, and not only about famous and/or rich people. When Enchanted decides to work with Korey, my insides became heavy, knowing what was coming. And when everything unfolded the way it did, my heart broke. Jackson gets full credit for going for it and not holding back. Enchanted is put into some terrible situations, and not only with Korey, but Jackson almost attacks the issue with full force. My only problem was how quickly the action moved. Of course, that could also be Jackson's way of showing how quickly things like this can happen, and how these girls can look around one day and wonder how they got to where they are. It is a difficult thing to read about, but also an issue that needs to be confronted.
Favorite Moment: When a flight attendant refuses to be intimidated by Korey and insists on checking on Enchanted.
Favorite Character: Gabriela, Enchanted's best friend, is a fighter and knows what she wants out of life.
Recommended Reading: I recommend Monday's Not Coming, also by Jackson. A young girl goes missing, and her best friend cannot understand why no one is searching for her.
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