Friday, June 28, 2024

Young Adult Fiction: The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson

We have reached the end of another YA Fest, and this time we are closing out the month of June with The Reappearance of Rachel Price, by well-known thriller writer Holly Jackson. Last year I discussed Five Survive, and knew to expect that same kind of intensity and suspense from Jackson's latest release.

The Situation: Eighteen year-old Annabel 'Bel' Price would love if life could simply return to normal. Granted, 'normal' was not all that great either, mostly because she has always lived in the shadow of the mystery behind her mom's disappearance 16 years ago. Since then it has always been her and her dad, leaning on each other to make it through. But now that her father has agreed to have a  true-crime documentary made about Rachel Price's disappearance, there are camera crews everywhere Bel turns, and she is once again being asked about the day her mom disappeared. Bel was the only witness to what happened, but she was too young to remember anything. Too young to remember what happened in the car that was found on the side of the road.

The Problem: As Bel looks forward to when the camera crew leaves and they can all move on, the impossible happens. Rachel Price has reappeared, almost back from the dead, since that is what many people assumed her to be. But here she is, with an explanation of what happened to her and where she has been for the past 16 years. Bel is not sure how to feel about the reappearance of a mother she does not know, but then she starts to see what she feels are cracks in Rachel's story. But why would she lie? With the camera crew around, Bel will have a hard time doing her own investigation. But she needs to know the truth, even if finding it means a 'normal' life will never again be within reach.

Genre, Themes, History: This is a young adult thriller focused on Bel Price, the daughter of Rachel Price, a woman who disappeared 16 years earlier and was presumed dead by many. Because of this, Bel has understandable abandonment issues, believing that everyone eventually leaves, and often pushes people away pre-emptively. Her world consists of her father, uncle and aunt, grandfather, and cousin, Carter. When it is discovered that Rachel is alive, matters are immediately complicated, including the filming of the true-crime documentary about her disappearance. There are plot twists, family secrets, hidden dangers, and the reality of living life in the shadow of a public family mystery.

My Verdict: Well, what a way to close out YA Fest. I may not be as hardcore of a fan of true crime as some, but I appreciate the odd podcast or documentary here and there. If I came across the synopsis of this story while scrolling through Netflix, I am actually not sure I would watch it, but being able to see what really happens when the cameras are not rolling makes for a heck of a novel. I will say this: A little suspension of disbelief may be required at certain moments. And not every loose thread is tied up, despite the story's clear attempt to not leave anything hanging. Regardless, true crime and thriller fans will love it.

Favorite Moment: Bel does not approach most conversations with tact or caution or diplomacy. Sometimes this works against her, but there is one occurrence where her tendency towards confrontation was a refreshing change from how most protagonists would attempt to handle the situation. 

Favorite Character: Ash is part of the crew working on the true-crime documentary about Rachel's disappearance. Every description of him and the clothes he wears is more ridiculous than the last, and while being somewhat of a liability on set, he is able to stand up to Bel's rough energy and harsh words.

Recommended Reading: Five Survive is another intense thriller by Jackson, but also very different, and more contained, giving it a sense of pressure and volatility that I do not often find in books. 

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